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Goddess Saraswati

The Goddess of Knowledge

Saraswati the Goddess of learning is called Medhaa in the ancient texts and in Jain literature. 

Saraswati Devi's attributes come more from Her own role as River Goddess than Her association with any particular Gods. The Early Vedic references make it clear that the Saraswati River originates in heaven and flows down to the Earth. SHE represents the ever flowing stream of celestial grace that purifies and fertilises the earth. 

Saraswati's earthly manifestation as a river is just a fractional revelation of her TRUE BEING. This manifestation offers just the slightest hint of Her awesome, heavenly, transcendent dimensions, and of reality in general.

From the role of the river goddess, Saraswati Devi gradually acquire more attributes and becoming known as Vac Goddess. This evolutional role of Goddess Saraswati was a gradual one and a natural process because vedic culture and poetry flourished along the River. 

The science of mantra is very ancient and was once widely practised in all parts of the world. Reference to mantra is found in the oldest Vedic scriptures, which are claimed to be more than 5,000 years old.

Literally, the word mantra means ‘revealed sound’. According to the ancient texts, mantra means a sound or a combination or sequences of sounds which develop spontaneously. These sounds were revealed to rishis and other pure beings in psychic states or in very deep meditation, when all consciousness of the self was lost and when nothing but inner light shone in front of them.

Mantra do not have any specific meaning. Their power is not in the words themselves, but in the sound vibrations created when the mantra is uttered verbally or when it takes form in the mind and is not expressed in the voice.

Mantra brings about state of resonance between the individual and the depths of his inner being.


They allow the individual to unleash inner cosmic powers, forces and knowledge. The sound patterns of the mantra stimulate a certain effect on the mental and psychic nature of an individual. Each mantra will create, or draw out, a specific symbol within one’s psyche.

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